
Design, creative direction, branding, graphics and marketing... We love what we do, and we do what we love! Here's what's been happening in the Weedoo compound...

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Yikes... Proofin' ain't easy!

8.43am... Weedoo Media Headquarters... Brighton...
After 3 months of all-out Mac warfare, the team anxiously awaits the arrival of the proof copy of one of their most recent projects - 'Expert Beauty Magazine'.

8.44am... there's somebody at the door!!!

1) Man arrives with package...

2) Ed takes a peek... and, for once, old 'Big balls' is looking a little nervous

3) The team is slightly scared... designer Steve Marshall attempts to take cover under the nearest table...

4) PHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEWWWWWWW... all lookin' goooood! :)

5) Now to the press-pass and full print.... Next stop - a shop near you!